Friday, February 15, 2013

And the award goes to...

I returned library books ON TIME today!  I’d like to congratulate myself for that.  Somehow I manage to pay fines on a quarterly basis there. I tell Jason it’s my “donation to literacy”.  It’s actually my lack of time management skills mashed up with my disorganized car, house, kids rooms, and other places these sticky fat little board books wiggle their way into.  He knows that, by the way, but he’s pretty nice and doesn’t ask questions. (They don’t charge for late books either, the fines are for destruction of library materials. Enter William.) 

Other major accomplishments this week:
  1. Finding William in Meijer after frantically yelling his name at the top of my lungs for three minutes and suppressing  a panic attack. 
  2. Cleaning all of the half-used lollipops out of the car seats (yes, I’m that mom, I bribe my kids in the car to make them shut up for a few minutes.  But the lollipops are organic fruit juice ones, so I totally try to justify it in my head).
  3. Folding half of the laundry I intended to remove from the dryer three days ago.
  4. Scrubbing two out of three toilets. My own bathroom is the last place I clean simply because I cannot hear the kids killing each other from that location in the house, so I don’t like to spend a lot of time there.
  5. Reconstructed cardboard house that fell down.  I remembered how it went together!  This isn’t rocket science, but after not sleeping for…five years…and trying to do it with a screaming two year old between your legs – not so easy.  (Also in that same moment realized maybe I should postpone the whole going-back-to-school thing....)
  6. Walked outside with my kids.  It’s really cold, so this is listed as an accomplishment.

This list is harder than I expected.  I give myself extra points for keeping two kids alive, staying married, and managing a shower almost every day.

I know this isn't terribly enlightening or exciting, just another day in the current state of my life.  But lets be real;  I can't be sentimental, deep and full of warm fuzzies all the time.  I have a two year old.



© 2013 Sarah Fisher


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